GloryUs by JC Buckman is amongst the world’s top massage chairs, with the exceptional technology which emulates the techniques of a masseur in such a way that the deep-seated knots in your body are removed. GloryUs massage chair employs roller technology massage, with adjustable speeds which covers all the critical point on your back and body. This not only relaxes your mind and body, but has the benefit of helping you sleep better and waking up feeling refreshed. Additionally, you can delight your senses by experiencing the pleasing LED touch screen, extendable footrest for better circulation, back heating that increases the flow of oxygen to back muscles, and much more.

GloryUs Massage Chair

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ElateUs + 4D is an advanced massage technology chair designed to pamper you the most relaxing head to toe massage. JC Buckman’s ElateUs+ offers you the options of 12 outstanding programs, as well as a combination of heat therapy, zero gravity and extendable footrest, which provide an excellent massage experience.

ElateUs+ 4D Massage Chair

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JC Buckman

With over 20 years of experience in providing the world’s leading healthy lifestyle products the
parent company of JC Buckman has now launched the brand in UAE, bringing its exceptional award winning value proposition to the discerning residents of the UAE. JC Buckman fi­rst made waves in the healthy lifestyle market back in 2017, with the vision of providing quality healthy lifestyle products, designed especially for the modern user. For this we ensured that our products have top quality manufacturing and continuous innovative improvements through ongoing R&D. We have since grown to become one of the largest brands of healthy lifestyle equipment, offering world’s best in class products in each category. Our products are divided into three main categories which are Relaxation, Fitness and Healthy Life. The key to our success has been our focus on product quality and innovation, as well as exceptional customer experience and after-sales services. JC Buckman is the winner of the coveted award, Brand of the Year 202 and Brand of the Year 2021. Category:Healthy Lifestyle Equipment) and we are a contender for Brand of the Year 2022 award. Whether you shop at JC Buckman at our online store or at our retail outlets we promise you a smooth shopping experience and the best customer service.

BRAND OF THE YEAR 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023

We are delighted that JC Buckman has won Brand of The Year 2020, 2021 & 2022 Award was given by jury for fulfilling many criteria including below:
-Consumer Care
-Degree of innovation
-Distinction from the competition

We would like to thank you, our valuable customers for your continued trust and confidence in us.


Fitness is the key element for a sportsperson. I Sana Mir have found JC Buckman healthy Lifestyle product very effective. The massage chair is the best choice for relieving muscular stiffness after spending long days in the field.

Sana Mir

Being a show biz personality I need to be presentable all the time. But it's hard to find time to exercise in the line of my work. So I have chosen JC Buckman Healthy Lifestyle products to keep myself fit for the screen.

Ahsan Khan

I take a lot of road trips due to which my muscles do get tense. Thanks to a wonderful gift from JC Buckman, now I have a handy Mini Massager  JoyUs that I can carry during my road trips.

Rumman Raees